Yeti Penguin Toss

It amazes me that simple, stupid games can get to be as popular as they do. Take this game, for example, you have a yeti with a bat, hitting penguins that jump off a cliff. The goal is to get them to go as far as you can. It’s all timing, you can’t really pick the trajectory you hit the penguin at, and once you hit it, it’s all up to Lady Physics to see how far it’ll go.

I played this game for about 10 minutes in a moment of weakness, and didn’t give it a second thought, until I found out that the games are going to be sometime soon retooled and relaunched for the mobile phone market.

Why pay to play a game on your phone that you can play on the Internet for free? I don’t know. I also don’t know why anyone would want to play this game more than about twice.

One Response to “Yeti Penguin Toss”

  1. [...] original Yeti Sports game was pretty dumb, but I guess some people liked it for some reason. Maybe it was because of the insipidly simple [...]

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