Tux Racer

Tux Racer is a simplistic racing game. It stars Tux, the penguin mascot of the Linux operating system, gliding down a valley on his belly. The goal is to get to the finish line in the fastest time possible.

There are a variety of objects on the course, patches of ice to speed you up, patches of rocks to slow you down, trees to crash into, and herring to collect for points. You need to both a fast time and a high score to go to the next level.

There’s really not a lot more to say about it, except that the game is Free. Free to download, free to play, and free to do just about whatever you want to. It has very modest requirements, so it will run on just about any hardware you can throw at it. And it is apparently easy to create custom courses to race down.

The Tux Racer homepage

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