Comments on: Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego? The product of a misspent childhood Wed, 01 Sep 2010 08:54:53 -0400 hourly 1 By: basscomm basscomm Thu, 21 Feb 2008 01:17:59 +0000 We had that installed on the computer at the Museum when I was working there. I tried playing it on my break one day and did real bad. But I have the Internet now! That's like a real big encyclopedia. I may have to give that one a shot. We had that installed on the computer at the Museum when I was working there. I tried playing it on my break one day and did real bad.

But I have the Internet now! That’s like a real big encyclopedia. I may have to give that one a shot.

By: bibliophile81 bibliophile81 Wed, 20 Feb 2008 23:25:54 +0000 Well, I have Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego... which may or may not work... if you'd like to try it. Well, I have Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego… which may or may not work… if you’d like to try it.
